2008年8月27日 星期三

把 DVD 轉成 avi

請勿用來作違法的事!!! XD~

WinMenc 可以轉 只是安裝有點麻煩....orz

2008年8月25日 星期一

unrar @ fedora

Search results for unrar


at page 3 , you can find the "unrar"

for fedora 7 =>

the download url is http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/7/i386/unrar-3.7.7-1.lvn7.i386.rpm


I can't type chinese.... orz

2008年8月19日 星期二

atheros - 無線網卡切到特定模式


Locking to a Specific Mode

iwpriv ath0 mode 1
iwpriv ath0 mode 2
iwpriv ath0 mode 3
iwpriv ath0 mode 0 (default) autoselect mode.

2008年8月16日 星期六

修改 /etc/hosts 的內容

上次重灌時不知為啥檔案是空白的 = =

新增這行  localhost.localdomain  localhost

這邊是用全形的空白 使用時記得換掉 XD

import yum KEY

ex: fedora 3

rpm --import http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/i386/os/RPM-GPG-KEY


查 fedora 版本

fedora version
more /etc/fedora-release

kernel version
uname -r

atheros madwifi - Monitor Mode

wlanconfig ath0 destroy
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode monitor
ifconfig ath0 up

By default, monitor mode receives packets with prism2 headers prepended on them. To change this, you must run one of the following:

Only 802.11 headers:
echo '801' > /proc/sys/net/ath0/dev_type

Prism2 headers:
echo '802' > /proc/sys/net/ath0/dev_type

Radiotap headers:
echo '803' > /proc/sys/net/ath0/dev_type

Atheros Descriptors:
echo '804' > /proc/sys/net/ath0/dev_type


2008年8月13日 星期三

手動flash meraki

Guide to flashing a meraki/accton/fonero
March 3rd, 2008


You can go here to get the Ubuntu LiveCD:


We have tried to make this as simple as possible, but it would be
helpful if you have some familiarity with Linux (or someone available
who has).

1. Boot Live CD and bring up a terminal window (under “Applications”,
then “Accessories”, then “terminal” on Ubuntu)

2. Make sure it is connected to the internet, then type the following to download the files you will need:


sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install wget
wget http://www.blogin.it/ROBIN/test/meraki/openwrt-atheros-2.6-vmlinux.gz
wget http://www.blogin.it/ROBIN/test/meraki/openwrt-atheros-2.6-root.jffs2-64k
wget http://ruckman.net/downloads/mesh/easyflash
wget http://ruckman.net/downloads/mesh/flash
ifconfig eth0 up
chmod +x easyflash
chmod +x flash

3. Plug in your Meraki to your Ethernet LAN port on your computer.

4. Type: ./flash (note: If your Meraki is NOT connected to eth0, modify the file “flash” accordingly, it should be eth0 but you can check by issuing ifconfig)

5. Plug in the Meraki to power.

6. You should see something like this displayed:


No packet
No packet
Peer MAC: 00:18:84:80:67:1C (this will be the MAC address of your router)
You MAC: 00:ba:be:ca:ff:ee
Your IP:
Setting IP address…
Loading rootfs…
Sending rootfs. 6400 blocks…
Initializing partiions…
Rootfs partition size now 0×006f0000
Flashing rootfs…
Loading Kernel…
Sending kernel, 1536 blocks…
Flashing Kernel…
Setting boot_script_data…

Done. Restarting device…

7. Go get lunch. This will take 15-30 minutes, depending upon the flash
chip speed in your router. DO NOT INTERRUPT!
8. When it is done, the window will show Done.


Get the utility:


Download the firmware:



Run the utility and choose the firmware files with the browse buttons.

Choose the network adapter that the Meraki is connected in the pull down menu.

Click on the “Go” button and walk away for about 30 minutes.

Good Luck!


2008年8月12日 星期二

gallery2 播放影片 with FFMPEG


簡單說 去抓ffmpeg 0.4.8 compiled for Dreamhost

然後放在server上 再去gallery裡面的設定
把FFMPEG的路徑打上 就可以播放影片了


目前只知道avi,wmv確定可以放 rmvb不行

flv也可以放 不過感覺應該跟ffmpeg無關 囧?