2007年10月23日 星期二

ns2 & bt 問題 (orz.......)

bluetooth for ns2 : http://www.ececs.uc.edu/%7Ecdmc/ucbt/
(沒說明文件 = =)

第一次執行安裝出現這玩意 看樣子應該是資料夾錯誤吧!?

Cannot find ns directory.
please check if you untar the tar ball in the correct directory.

directory tree

|__ ns-allinone-2.xx --- ns-2.xx -- bluetooth -- ns-2.26
| | |_ ns-2.1b9a
| | |_ ...
| | |_ test
| |_ common
| |_ ...
|__ nam...
|__ ...

You should 'tar zxvf bt.xx.tgz' in the directory 'ns-2.xx'

You should run './install-bt' in the directory 'bluetooth'


好吧 移完資料夾後再安裝一次 可是出現下面這玩意 = =|||

Looks like ns generated Makefile found. Either you invoked
./install-bt [-d|-t]
in the wrong directory, or ns has (attempted) been installed.
Please have a fresh ns-all-in-one tarball, and use './instll-bt'
alone to do the whole installation.

心中有不詳預感 不過還是加上參數 -d -t 看看有啥訊息

./install-bt -d
Looks like ns generated Makefile found. Either you invoked
./install-bt [-d|-t]
in the wrong directory, or ns has (attempted) been installed.
Please have a fresh ns-all-in-one tarball, and use './instll-bt'
alone to do the whole installation.

./install-bt -t
No tcl-debug-2.0 found in /ns2/ns-allinone-2.29. Please download it
and unpack it into /ns2/ns-allinone-2.29.

下載tcl-debug後還是一樣的錯誤訊息(跟前兩個一樣) orz


Please have a fresh ns-all-in-one tarball, and use './instll-bt'
alone to do the whole installation.

該不會是說 要裝bt的話 在當初安裝ns的時候 要執行./install-bt來安裝

如果已經裝好ns2 不能事後再安裝bt

那.....除了整個砍掉重練 還有其他方法嗎???
ex:在同一台電腦上裝兩個ns2 (Fedora core 5)


我當初沒設環境變數 是直接把ns2裡的bin資料夾
ns和nsm兩個檔案直接複製到 /usr/bin/ 裡面

假如可以裝兩個ns2的話 只要把 /usr/bin/ 裡面的檔案名稱設好應該就行了吧!?!?
