身為邊緣人(?), 今天想試試 PI4 + Intel Movidius NCS邊緣運算棒
Movidius Neural Compute Toolkit Installation
Your current combination of Linux distribution and distribution version is not officially supported! Error on line 55.
後來翻了一下install.sh裡面的內容, 發現他的版本確認方式是:
if [ "${OS_DISTRO,,}" == "ubuntu" ] || [ $OS_VERSION == 1604 ]; then
echo "Installing on Ubuntu 16.04"
elif [ "${OS_DISTRO,,}" == "raspbian" ] && [ $OS_VERSION -ge 91 ]; then
echo "Installing on Raspbian Stretch"
elif [ "${OS_DISTRO,,}" == "raspbian" ] && [ $OS_VERSION -ge 80 ] && [ $OS_VERS$
ERR_MSG=$(cat <<- div="" end="">
${RED}You are running Raspbian Jessie, which is not supported b$
Please upgrade to Raspbian Stretch and then proceed to install $
printf "$ERR_MSG"
看起來, 它只有支援 ubuntu 16.04 跟 Raspbian Stretch
可是PI4是 Raspbian Buster. QQ
好吧, 繼續回頭玩 TensorRT好了